Creating better places.
Building a better future.

In this period of ongoing debate about infill in our established Perth suburbs, we are proud to design and deliver projects that offer genuine community benefit to our local communities and neighbourhoods. At MosLane, in addition creating 70 new homes, we have incorporated community benefit in the public realm that exceeds the Town of Mosman Park’s LPP32 requirements. All of this benefit will be available for current and future generations of Mosman Park residents and visitors.

Our landscape and architectural teams using some of Perth and Australia’s best urban environments as benchmarks are curating spaces that will house an exceptional list of best in class food and beverage, health and wellness, grocery and retail uses that spill out into alfresco dining zones, play areas, lawns, mature trees and landscape, bicycle and e-scooter parking, and even places for your furry friend to grab a drink. Coupled to this will be a renewable powered car share system, undergrounding of powerlines, and a fully upgraded and activated laneway.

All of the above and more will replace a dilapidated centre with no current community benefit, and a heat island landscape dominated by bitumen. MosLane will establish a new standard for community and lifestyle in Perth.